The Day of Great Surprises

Isaiah 33:9-17

For the Masses of men who reject Jesus, there comes a day of great surprise – 

The Bible tells of a great number  of people who were surprised because of the manner of life they lived-

Let this lesson teach us that God will demand an accounting of our life and we are to live in such a way that we shall not be surprised by it

#1.  The Five Foolish Virgins were surprised that the door was shut.

Matthew 25:1-3

A. They had no oil for their lamps – surprised that while they slept their lamps went out.

B. The bridegroom came while they slept.  Surprised that he should come so soon.

C. The bridegroom came and received the bride while they were gone to purchase oil for their lamps

* Those who would be ready must make preparation before HIS coming.

#2. Foolish Farmer was surprised at the sentence of death upon him 

Luke 12: 16-20

A. Plan of procedure mapped out for life

i). Pull down existing barns

ii). Build greater barns for greater harvest

iii). Take life easy.

All these plans ignored the claim of God upon his life

B. God had a far DIFFERENT plan for him.

i). “Thou Fool” – Because he ignored God, he was called to account “This night”

ii). Because he ignored God his soul was required of him.

C. A questions was left unanswered – “Whose shall these things be?”

Tragic is the man who prepares only for this life and takes no thought for the life to come.  It will come to all and What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?   

What shall it profit him if he shall lose his soul?

#3. Belshazzar was suprised at the handwriting on the wall

Daniel 5

A. Surprised that his kingdom had come to an end.

B. Surprised that his weighing in God’s balances was woefully short.

C. Surprised that that night he would face certain death and judgment

#4. Jesus’ second coming will be a day of GREAT surprise to many

Matthew 24: 37-44

A. They were suprised that in the midst of eating, drinking, and making merry that Jesus would come.

B. They were ignorant of the approaching judgment  (Noah)

C. Surprised that they were all taken away in the flood

D. Surprised that Noah knew what he was talking about for that 120 years

#5. Professors without faith will be surprised in judgment

Matthew 7: 21-23

A. Prophesied in thy name – yet surprised.

B. Cast out devils in thy name – never knew you.

C. Wonderful works were done in the name of Jesus, but rejected for lack of faith.

D. I never knew you


It should awaken each of us to our responsibilities in making personal preparation to meet God.   As each of these met God and did so unprepared, it is so much more the reason that man should learn a lesson from the mistakes of these