The Good Shepherd

John 10:11 — I am the good shepherd

Jesus takes the familiar scene of the Shepherd with his Sheep and assures his own that he is the Shepherd of the Soul.

It is one of the most comforting facts in all the teachings of Jesus. The following things are true of the good Shepherd of Sheep and also of the Good Shepherd of Souls.

1. He Pardons His Own

“By me if any man enter in he shall be saved”

(V.9) It is the glory of the gospel that Christ saves from sin 

The Blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth from all sin. 

(1 John 1:7

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. 

(Acts 16:31) He saves the Soul from the power of sin, from the dominion of sin, and from the punishment of sin. No one can be his until he is saved by grace through faith in Christ.

2. He Precedes His Own 

He goeth before them (V.4)

Christians do not have experiences other than those through which Jesus went. Jesus was tempted of the devil and did not yield: He knows every severe temptation of every soul because he has been along the way. He goes before his own to prepare the way.

He went to the cross to make atonement for us to the grave to overcome the power of death and on to the Father to assure his own that he will provide grace for every step of the way. 

3. He Provides For His Own 

“Shall go in and out, and find pasture” (V.9) 

“I am come that they might have life (V.10). 

Jesus gave that they might have life – Jesus gave his life that all who will accept him may have abundant life.

He provides all life and all that is essential to sustain life and make full and complete. 

4. He Protects His Own 

“I lay down my life for the Sheep” (V.15). 

When the wolf appears to destroy the sheep the hireling will leave thee and flee, but the Good Shepherd will give his life to protect his own. 

The thief comes to steal, the wolf comes to catch, and satan comes to ruin, but Christ will protect all who will permit him to do so.

The promise is “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5) 

He may suffer trials and temptations but not beyomd the faithfulness of God. (Corinthians 10:13). 

His own shall never perish or be plucked out of his hand (V.28)

5. He Prospers His Own 

“They follow me.” (V.27) 

Following Christ is always succesful.

Not as the world would reckon success, but as Christ will judge.

He will help his own to grow in grace, knowledge, humility, strength, and effectiveness in service.

His own will prosper in spiritual things until the day when the master will say “well done”.

The Good Shepherd should be trusted implicitly and followed closely and faithfully.